On April 25th, the Shenzhou-18 spacecraft, carrying a trio of taikonauts, embarked on a mission to the Tiangong space station after launching from the...
In an assertive move that intensifies geopolitical tensions in the East Asian sphere, the United States Treasury Department has instituted sanctions against Jon Jin...
After capturing global attention with a pioneering lunar landing near the moon's untouched south pole, India's space agency is setting its gaze sunward. The...
Russia, an integral participant in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) group, is seeking to expand its cooperation with the consortium in...
On July 14, in the heart of Warsaw, the Poland-Korea Economic Forum unfolded, attracting the attention of significant players from various sectors within Poland...
The Russian Federation has succeeded in launching the Meteor-M 2-3, a new satellite in a bid to upgrade its meteorological satellite system. The launch,...
China's plans to construct the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) have advanced significantly with key agreements signed by Russia, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates,...